AgraStrip® Pro Allergen - BLG
10007056Allergens Milk LFD Qualitative
The AgraStrip® Pro Beta-lactoglobulin test kit is a lateral flow device (LFD) designed for the on-site detection of residues of the milk protein beta-lactoglobulin in raw materials, finished food products and beverages, rinse waters and environmental samples. They allow for the simple, fast and reliable qualitative detection of beta-lactoglobulin traces.- Analyte: Beta-lactoglobulin, milk
- Technology/Application: LFD
- Limit of detection: 0.5 ppm beta-lactoglobulin
AgraStrip® Pro Allergen - Almond
10007055Allergens Almond LFD Qualitative
The AgraStrip® Pro Almond test kit is a lateral flow device (LFD) designed for the on-site detection of almond residues in raw materials, finished food products and beverages, rinse waters and environmental samples. They allow for the simple, fast and reliable qualitative detection of almond traces.- Analyte: Almond
- Technology/Application: LFD
- Limit of detection: 2 ppm almond
BiopureTM U-[13C10]-Tenuazonic acid - 10 µg/mL Dried Down
10007037Mycotoxins Alternaria Toxins C13
13C isotope fully labelled mycotoxins are internal standards for mass spectrometry. All the carbon atoms in the molecules are replaced by the stable carbon isotype. With 13C fully labelled mycotoxin standards, recovery losses from sample preparation and matrix effects in the MS source can be eliminated.- Analyte: 13C Tenuazonic acid
- Technology/Application: C13
- Molecular weight (g/mol): 197.23
CytoQuant® Electrolyte Solution
10007030Microbiology Indicator microorganisms Food residue Mobile Flow Cytometer Quantitative Semi-Quantitative
The CytoQuant® Electrolyte Solution was specifically developed for the CytoQuant® mobile flow cytometer and it is intended for the adjustment of the conductivity of liquid samples to be measured with the device. The solution is practically free of bacteria and other particles.- Technology/Application: Mobile Flow Cytometer
- Result type: Quantitative, Semi-Quantitative
- Product/Environment: Environmental Monitoring, Product Testing
CytoQuant® Cleaning Vial
10007028Microbiology Indicator microorganisms Food residue Mobile Flow Cytometer
The CytoQuant® Cleaning Vial was developed specifically for the CytoQuant® mobile flow cytometer and is used to remove larger pieces of debris, foodstuffs, and other particles that may be introduced into the flow system.- Technology/Application: Mobile Flow Cytometer
- Quantity/Amount: 72
- Storage Temperature: 15°C - 25°C
HygieneChek™ PLUS - Staphylococcus / Staphylococcus
10006971Microbiology Pathogenic bacteria Spoilage microorganisms Dip-Slides Qualitative Quantitative Semi-Quantitative
HygieneChek™ PLUS dip-slides (or contact-slides) are culture-based analytical tools designed for the monitoring of microbial contamination in the production environment.- Technology/Application: Dip-Slides
- Result type: Qualitative, Quantitative, Semi-Quantitative
- Quantity/Amount: 10
BiopureTM U-(13C4)-Moniliformin, 10 µg/mL
10006945Mycotoxins Monoliformin C13
13C isotope fully labelled mycotoxins are internal standards for mass spectrometry. All the carbon atoms in the molecules are replaced by the stable carbon isotype. With 13C fully labelled mycotoxin standards, recovery losses from sample preparation and matrix effects in the MS source can be eliminated.- Analyte: 13C Moniliformin
- Technology/Application: C13
- Solvent: acetonitrile/water (90/10)
RapidChekTM Total Protein Spray Bottle
10006621Microbiology Food residue
This 75 ml spray bottle can be used in combination with the RapidChekTM Total Protein test strips. One pump of this bottle is enough to moisten the surface for performing the RapidChekTM Total Protein residue test. The bottle is empty and needs to be filled by the user with distilled or de-ionized water before usage.- Quantity/Amount: 1
- Storage Temperature: 2°C - 35°C