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SH-Listeria Media

RapidChek®Listeria Media

Microbiology Pathogenic bacteria LFD Qualitative

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Grouped product items
Article numberQuantityPackagingStatus
10001363 (7000173)10 g supplementsupplement
Limited availability
10001366 (7000176)500g base media, 10g supplement
Limited availability
10001368 (7000178)100 g supplementsupplement
Limited availability

Description & Properties

The RapidChek®Listeria media offers simple preparation of enrichment media without autoclaving and enables fast and flexible test planning. Supplement is stored at 2C - 8C. Note: pre-made liquid media is made to order. Lead times may vary.
MicrobiologyPathogenic bacteria
Storage Temperature15°C - 25°C
Result typeQualitative
Product/EnvironmentEnvironmental Monitoring, Product Testing


10001363 (7000173):
10001366 (7000176):
10001368 (7000178):

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