BiopureTM 13C labelled Aflatoxins in acetonitrile
SH-13C Afla in ACNMycotoxins Aflatoxins C13
13C isotope fully labelled mycotoxins are internal standards for mass spectrometry. All the carbon atoms in the molecules are replaced by the stable carbon isotype. With 13C fully labelled mycotoxin standards, recovery losses from sample preparation and matrix effects in the MS source can be eliminated.- Analyte: 13C Aflatoxin B1, 13C Aflatoxin B2, 13C Aflatoxin G1, 13C Aflatoxin G2, 13C Aflatoxin M1
- Technology/Application: C13
- Quantity/Amount: 1.2 mL
BiopureTM EN 17641:2022 Reference Materials
SH-EN 17641 MixesMycotoxins Aflatoxins Deoxynivalenol Fumonisines T-2/HT-2 Trichotecenes A Trichotecenes B Zearalenone Calibrants
Biopure™ EN 17641 Reference Materials are mixes of “normal” (12C) or internal stable isotope-labeled (13C) reference materials specially designed for analytical laboratories that employ the EN 17641:2022 multi-mycotoxin method with LC-MS/MS. EN 17641:2022 was established by CEN (The European Committee for Standardization) in September 2022. It defines a multi-method that determines the following common mycotoxins by LC-MS/MS in foodstuffs:aflatoxins, deoxynivalenol, fumonisins, ochratoxin A, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin and zearalenone. It includes information about reagents, apparatus and equipment, method parameters as well as reference materials.- Analyte: Aflatoxin B1, Aflatoxin B2, Aflatoxin G1, Aflatoxin G2, Aflatoxin M1, Fumonisin B1, Fumonisin B2, Deoxynivalenol, 3-Acetyl-Deoxynivalenol, Nivalenol, HT-2 Toxin, T-2 Toxin, Zearalenone
- Technology/Application: Calibrants
- Quantity/Amount: 5 mL
AgraStrip® Total Aflatoxin Qualitative Tests
SH-AS-Afla-QualitativeLFD Qualitative
The AgraStrip® Aflatoxin Test is a one-step lateral flow immunochromatographic assay that determines the presence of total aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1 and G2) at a specific cutoff level in grains, cereals and other commodities. The AgraStrip® Aflatoxin Test has been validated for a variety of food products, such as corn, peanuts, rice, rice flour, wheat flour, semolina, almonds, among others.- Analyte: Total Aflatoxin
- Technology/Application: LFD
- Result type: Qualitative
AgraStrip® RUR-HS Bulk Grain - TraitChek
SH-AgraStrip RUR-HS Bulk GrainGMO Protein CP4 EPSPS LFD Semi-Quantitative Qualitative
The AgraStrip® RUR-HS Bulk Grain Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the CP4 EPSPS protein qualitatively in corn, canola and alfalfa and quantitatively in bulk corn and canola grain samples.- Analyte: CP4 EPSPS
- Technology/Application: LFD
- Limit of detection: 0.125% in corn, 0.1% in canola, 0.167% in alfalfa
AgraStrip® RUR Bulk Grain - TraitChek
SH-AgraStrip RUR Bulk GrainGMO Protein CP4 EPSPS LFD Semi-Quantitative Qualitative
The AgraStrip® RUR Bulk Grain Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the CP4 EPSPS protein qualitatively in soy, sugarbeets and quantitatively in bulk soybean grain.- Analyte: CP4 EPSPS
- Technology/Application: LFD
- Limit of detection: 0.1% in soy and sugarbeets
AgraStrip® LL Bulk Grain - TraitChek
SH-AgraStrip LL Bulk GrainGMO Protein PAT LFD Semi-Quantitative Qualitative
The AgraStrip® LL Bulk Grain strip test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the PAT protein in corn, sugarbeet, canola, soybean (including event IND-00410-5) and wheat event IND-00412-7.- Analyte: PAT
- Technology/Application: LFD
- Result type: Qualitative, Semi-Quantitative
AgraStrip® FeedChek Meat and Bone Meal
SH-FeedChek MBMLFD Qualitative
The AgraStrip® FeedChek™ test kit for the detection of meat and bone meal (MBM) is designed to detect the presence of MBM in animal feedstuffs (e.g., raw materials, finished feeds). In order to accommodate user-specific requirements, the AgraStrip® FeedChek™ MBM kit incorporates 2 tests into 1 test strip. One test indicates the presence of mammalian and/or avian MBM in the sample and the second test indicates the presence of mammalian MBM in the sample.- Analyte: Meat and Bone Meal
- Technology/Application: LFD
- Result type: Qualitative
AgraQuant® Zearalenone Plus ELISA test
SH-AQ-ZearalenoneELISA Quantitative
AgraQuant® Zearalenone Plus test kits are accurate and reliable enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) in a quantitative format. Together with a StatFax® or BioTek® ELISA reader, results can be directly interpreted and continuously documented. These ELISA test kits are the ideal solution for a parallel measurement of multiple samples with incubation times of as low as 15 minutes for up to 42 samples. With the AgraQuant® ELISA, up to 6 mycotoxins can be analyzed from 1 extraction, substantially shortening overall time-to-result.- Analyte: Zearalenone
- Technology/Application: ELISA
- Limit of detection: 20 ppb
AgraQuant® Vip3A - SeedChek
SH-AQ-Vip3A - SeedChekGMO Protein Vip3A ELISA Quantitative Semi-Quantitative
The AgraQuant® Vip3A test is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that detects qualitatively the Vip3A protein in corn kernel and leaf, and bulk non-GM or conventional corn.- Analyte: Vip3a
- Technology/Application: ELISA
- Result type: Quantitative, Semi-Quantitative