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AgraQuant® Mustard

Allergens Mustard ELISA Quantitative


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Description & Properties

The AgraQuant® Mustard is a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) designed for the quantitative analysis of mustard residues in food samples. Samples can vary from raw to processed foods, from environmental swabs to rinse water. This product is intended for laboratory use.
Quantitation range2 -60 ppm Senf
Limit of detection1 ppm Senf
Limit of quantitation2 ppm mustard
Storage Temperature2°C - 8°C
Result typeQuantitative
Product/EnvironmentEnvironmental Monitoring, Product Testing
Number of wells48


Materials supplied

  • 48 antibody-coated microwells in a microwell holder sealed in a foil pouch
  • 5 ready-to-use standards (0; 2; 6; 20; and 60 ppm)
  • 1 bottle of concentrated (10X) extraction buffer
  • 1 bottle of concentrated (10X) wash buffer
  • 1 green-capped bottle of conjugate solution
  • 1 blue-capped bottle of substrate solution
  • 1 red-capped bottle of stop solution

Materials required but not supplied

  • Blender
  • analytical balance
  • 8-channel pipette
  • wash bottle
  • microwells/plate reader


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