Sample Buffer Concentrate - TraitChek
10001309The Sample Buffer Concentrate - TraitChek is required for: AgraStrip® Cry2Ab - SeedChek, AgraStrip® EPSPS - SeedChek, AgraStrip® RUR Bulk Grain - TraitChek, AgraStrip® CSPB Bulk Seed - TraitChek, AgraStrip® CSPB Seed & Leaf - TraitChek, AgraStrip® LL Bulk Grain - TraitChek, AgraStrip® PMI Seed & Leaf - TraitChek, AgraStrip® Cry1AC Seed & Leaf - TraitChek, AgraStrip® Cry1AC Bulk Grain - TraitChek, AgraStrip® Cry2Ab Seed & Leaf - TraitChek, AgraStrip® RUR - SeedChek, AgraStrip® RUR-HS - SeedChek, AgraStrip® Vip3A - SeedChek, AgraStrip® CSPB - SeedChek, AgraStrip® Btk - SeedChek, AgraStrip® BR - SeedChek, AgraStrip® B2R - SeedChekAgraStrip® Cry1Ac - SeedChek
10001190GMO Protein Bt-Cry1Ac LFD Cualitativo
El análisis con la tira AgraStrip® Cry1Ac es un dispositivo de flujo lateral (LFD) listo para ser usado in situ, que detecta la proteína Cry1Ac en maíz o semillas de algodón a granel.- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Límite de detección: 0,009
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo
AgraStrip® EPSPS - SeedChek
10001187GMO Protein mEPSPS LFD Cualitativo
The AgraStrip® EPSPS Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the EPSPS protein in cotton and corn leaf and seed, and bulk soy.- Analito: EPSPS
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo
AgraStrip® Cry2Ab - SeedChek
10001170GMO Protein Bt-Cry2Ab LFD Cualitativo
The AgraStrip® Cry2Ab Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the Cry2Ab protein in cotton leaf and seed, and bulk cottonseed and corn.- Analito: Cry2Ab
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Límite de detección: 0,009
SH-GMO Quantitative Extraction Buffer
SH-GMO Quantitative Extraction BufferThe GMO Quantitative Extraction Concentrate is required for: AgraStrip® Cry1Ac - SeedChek, AgraStrip® RUR-HS Bulk Grain - TraitChek, AgraStrip® RUR Bulk Grain - TraitChek, AgraStrip® Cry3Bb Bulk Grain - TraitChek, AgraStrip® LL Bulk Grain - TraitChek, AgraStrip® Cry1F Bulk Grain - TraitChek, AgraStrip® Cry1AC Bulk Grain - TraitChek, AgraStrip® Cry1Ac-S - SeedChek, AgraStrip® Quantitative Low-LOD Corn Comb Bulk Grain - TraitChek, AgraStrip® Quantitative Corn Comb Bulk Grain - TraitChek, AgraStrip® Quantitative Soy Comb Bulk Grain - TraitChek- Temperatura de almacenamiento: 15°C - 25°C
AgraStrip® RUR-HS Bulk Grain - TraitChek
SH-AgraStrip RUR-HS Bulk GrainGMO Protein CP4 EPSPS LFD Cualitativo Semi-cuantitativo
The AgraStrip® RUR-HS Bulk Grain Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the CP4 EPSPS protein qualitatively in corn, canola and alfalfa and quantitatively in bulk corn and canola grain samples.- Analito: CP4 EPSPS
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Límite de detección: 0.125% in corn, 0.1% in canola, 0.167% in alfalfa
AgraStrip® RUR Bulk Grain - TraitChek
SH-AgraStrip RUR Bulk GrainGMO Protein CP4 EPSPS LFD Cualitativo Semi-cuantitativo
The AgraStrip® RUR Bulk Grain Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the CP4 EPSPS protein qualitatively in soy, sugarbeets and quantitatively in bulk soybean grain.- Analito: CP4 EPSPS
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Límite de detección: 0.1% in soy and sugarbeets
AgraStrip® LL Bulk Grain - TraitChek
SH-AgraStrip LL Bulk GrainGMO Protein PAT LFD Cualitativo Semi-cuantitativo
The AgraStrip® LL Bulk Grain strip test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the PAT protein in corn, sugarbeet, canola, soybean (including event IND-00410-5) and wheat event IND-00412-7.- Analito: PAT
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo, Semi-cuantitativo