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AgraQuant® Aflatoxin M1 ELISA test

ELISA Quantitativo

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Grouped product items
Article numberIntervallo di quantificazione/sogliaLimite di rilevamentoNumero di pozzettiAnalitaAvailability
10002116 (COKAQ7100)
25 – 500 ppt for fresh milk
270 – 5400 ppt for skim and full-cream milk powder
200 – 4000 ppt for cheese
18 ppt for fresh milk
252 ppt for skim milk powder
257 ppt for full-cream milk powder
128 ppt for cheese
96Aflatoxin M1
10002117 (COKAQ7148)
25 – 500 ppt for fresh milk
270 – 5400 ppt for skim and full-cream milk powder
200 – 4000 ppt for cheese
18 ppt for fresh milk
252 ppt for skim milk powder
257 ppt for full-cream milk
128 ppt cheese
48Aflatoxin M1
10002120 (COKAQ7300)
5 – 100 ppt for milk
50 – 1000 ppt for milk powder
2.9 ppt for raw milk
4.2 ppt for fresh milk
2.3 ppt for UHT milk
33.3 ppt for milk powder
96Aflatoxin M1
Disponibilità limitata
10002121 (COKAQ7348)
5 – 100 ppt for milk
50 – 1000 ppt for milk powder
2.9 ppt for raw milk
4.2 ppt for fresh milk
2.3 ppt for UHT milk
33.3 ppt for milk powder
48Aflatoxin M1

Descrizione & Proprietà

AgraQuant® M1 test kits are accurate and reliable enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) in a quantitative format. Together with a StatFax® or BioTek® ELISA reader, results can be directly interpreted and continuously documented. These ELISA test kits are the ideal solution for an accurate measurement of multiple samples in a very broad quantitation range.
Temperatura di conservazione2°C - 8°C
Tipo di risultatoQuantitativo
Prodotto/ambienteProduct Testing


Materials supplied in the standard product

  • antibody coated microwells in a microwell holder
  • non-coated dilution microwells
  • 6 vials of each aflatoxin M1 standard
  • 1 bottle of aflatoxin conjugate
  • 1 bottle of substrate solution
  • 1 bottle of stop solution
  • 1 bottle of wash solution concentrate
  • 1 bottle of sample diluent for AgraQuant® Aflatoxin M1 Sensitive and Plus

Materiali richiesti ma non forniti

  • Balance - 400 g
  • graduated cylinder: 100 mL
  • volumetric flasks with stopper
  • horizontal shaker or magnetic stirrer
  • vortex
  • centrifuge
  • 15 mL or 50 mL centrifuge tubes
  • evaporation system
  • vials for evaporation: 20 – 30 mL
  • solvent: ACS grade methanol; dichloromethane and hexane; distilled or de-ionized water
  • 8-channel pipette and single channel pipettes capable of pipetting 50 - 100 - 500 and 1000 µL with tips
  • timer
  • wash bottle
  • distilled or de-ionized water
  • absorbent paper towels
  • 3 reagent boats for 8-channel pipettes
  • microwell reader with a 450 nm filter and a 630 nm differential filter


10002116 (COKAQ7100):
10002117 (COKAQ7148):
10002120 (COKAQ7300):
10002121 (COKAQ7348):