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AgraStrip® Pro Allergen - BLG

Allergens Latte LFD Qualitativo


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Descrizione & Proprietà

The AgraStrip® Pro Beta-lactoglobulin test kit is a lateral flow device (LFD) designed for the on-site detection of residues of the milk protein beta-lactoglobulin in raw materials, finished food products and beverages, rinse waters and environmental samples. They allow for the simple, fast and reliable qualitative detection of beta-lactoglobulin traces.
Limite di rilevamento0.5 ppm beta-lactoglobulin
Temperatura di conservazione15°C - 25°C
Tipo di risultatoQualitativo
Prodotto/ambienteEnvironmental Monitoring, Product Testing
Numero di test15


Materiali Forniti

  • 15 AgraStrip® Pro lateral flow devices
  • 1 bottle of ready-to-use extraction buffer
  • 15 extraction tubes and caps
  • 15 incubation vials
  • 15 swabs with break-off tips
  • 1 rack for incubation vials

Materiali richiesti ma non forniti

  • blender for solid samples

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