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AgraStrip® Pro Allergen - Casein

Allergens Latte LFD Qualitativo


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Descrizione & Proprietà

The AgraStrip® Pro Casein test kit is a lateral flow device (LFD) designed for the on-site detection of residues of the milk protein casein in raw materials, finished food products and beverages, rinse waters and environmental samples. They allow for the simple, fast and reliable qualitative detection of casein traces.
Limite di rilevamento1 ppm casein
Temperatura di conservazione15°C - 25°C
Tipo di risultatoQualitativo
Prodotto/ambienteEnvironmental Monitoring, Product Testing
Numero di test15


Materiali Forniti

  • 15 AgraStrip® Pro lateral flow devices
  • 1 bottle of ready-to-use extraction buffer
  • 15 extraction tubes and caps
  • 15 incubation vials
  • 15 swabs with break-off tips
  • 1 rack for incubation vials

Materiali richiesti ma non forniti

  • blender for solid samples

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