AgraStrip® Cry1F - SeedChek
10001470GMO Protein Bt-Cry1F LFD Qualitativo
The AgraStrip® Cry1F Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the Cry1F protein in corn and cotton leaf and seed, and in bulk corn grain.- Analita: Cry1F
- Tecnologia/Applicazione: LFD
- Limite di rilevamento: 0.9% in corn
AgraStrip® Triple Trait - SeedChek
10001469GMO Protein Bt-Cry3Bb CP4 EPSPS Cry1A LFD Qualitativo
The AgraStrip® Triple Trait Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the CP4 EPSPS, Cry3Bb and/or Cry1A protein in leaf, seed and bulk corn grain.- Analita: "CP4 EPSPS; Cry3Bb;Cry1A"
- Tecnologia/Applicazione: LFD
- Limite di rilevamento: 0.125% in corn
AgraStrip® RUR-HS - SeedChek
10001468GMO Protein CP4 EPSPS LFD Qualitativo
The AgraStrip® RUR-HS Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the CP4 EPSPS protein in corn seed, leaf and bulk seed.- Analita: CP4 EPSPS
- Tecnologia/Applicazione: LFD
- Limite di rilevamento: 0.125 % in corn
AgraStrip® Cry34Ab1 - SeedChek
10001467GMO Protein Bt-Cry34Ab1 LFD Qualitativo
The AgraStrip® Cry34Ab1 Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the Cry34Ab1 protein in corn leaf and seed, and bulk grain.- Analita: Cry34Ab1
- Tecnologia/Applicazione: LFD
- Limite di rilevamento: 0.125 % in corn
AgraStrip® Cry3Bb - SeedChek
10001466GMO Protein Bt-Cry3Bb LFD Qualitativo Quantitativo Semi-quantitativo
The AgraStrip® Cry3Bb Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the Cry3Bb protein in corn leaf and seed, and bulk grain.- Analita: Cry3Bb
- Tecnologia/Applicazione: LFD
- Tipo di risultato: Qualitativo, Quantitativo, Semi-quantitativo
AgraStrip® RUR - SeedChek
10001465GMO Protein CP4 EPSPS LFD Qualitativo Quantitativo Semi-quantitativo
The AgraStrip® RUR Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the CP4 EPSPS protein in soy and cotton leaf, seed and bulk seed and corn leaf and seed.- Analita: CP4 EPSPS
- Tecnologia/Applicazione: LFD
- Tipo di risultato: Qualitativo, Quantitativo, Semi-quantitativo
AgraQuant® DAS Cry1Ac - SeedChek
10001463GMO Protein Bt-Cry1Ac ELISA Quantitativo
The AgraQuant® DAS Cry1Ac test is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that detects qualitatively and quantitatively the Cry1Ac protein in plant tissue and crop.- Analita: Cry1Ac
- Tecnologia/Applicazione: ELISA
- Tipo di risultato: Quantitativo
AgraStrip® RUR TM - TraitChek
10001462GMO Protein CP4 EPSPS LFD Qualitativo
The AgraStrip® RUR TM Strip Test is a ready-to-use lateral flow device (LFD) for on-site testing that detects the CP4 EPSPS protein in RUR toasted soymeal.- Analita: CP4 EPSPS
- Tecnologia/Applicazione: LFD
- Limite di rilevamento: 0.9% in toasted soymeal
10001459GMO Protein Bt-Cry1Ab ELISA Quantitativo
The AgraQuant® Cry1Ab test is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that detects quantitatively the Cry1Ab protein in maize processed food fractions.- Analita: Cry1Ab
- Tecnologia/Applicazione: ELISA
- Tipo di risultato: Quantitativo
AgraQuant® RUR Soya Grain - GMOChek
10001454GMO Protein CP4 EPSPS ELISA Quantitativo
The AgraQuant® RUR Soya Grain test is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that detects quantitatively the CP4 EPSPS protein in soya processed food fractions.- Analita: CP4 EPSPS
- Tecnologia/Applicazione: ELISA
- Tipo di risultato: Quantitativo