Carne e ossa
AgraStrip® FeedChek Meat and Bone Meal
SH-FeedChek MBMLFD Qualitativo
The AgraStrip® FeedChek™ test kit for the detection of meat and bone meal (MBM) is designed to detect the presence of MBM in animal feedstuffs (e.g., raw materials, finished feeds). In order to accommodate user-specific requirements, the AgraStrip® FeedChek™ MBM kit incorporates 2 tests into 1 test strip. One test indicates the presence of mammalian and/or avian MBM in the sample and the second test indicates the presence of mammalian MBM in the sample.- Analita: Meat and Bone Meal
- Tecnologia/Applicazione: LFD
- Tipo di risultato: Qualitativo