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SH-Salmonella Enteriditis System

RapidChek® SELECTSalmonella Enteritidis System

Microbiology Pathogenic bacteria LFD Qualitative

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Grouped product items
Article numberApprovalsNumber of testsPackagingStatus
10001398 (7000222)AOAC, FDA250standard kit - 250 strips, pipettes, tubes, 500 g primary media, 250 mL supplement, and 4 x 10 g secondary media
Limited availability
10001399 (7000223)250
Limited availability
10001714 (7000220P)AOAC, FDA5050 strips, pipettes, tubes, 5 x 24 g primary media, 5 x 12 mL supplement, and 8 x 1 g secondary media
10001715 (7000220S)5

Description & Properties

The RapidChek® SELECT™ SE test is one of the first FDA awarded Test Method Equivalent and AOAC approved commercially available, rapid, sero-specific assay. It uses the same proprietary media system as the RapidChek® SELECT™ Salmonella test kit. The difference is made by the highly specific Salmonella serogroup D1 antibody on the lateral flow device. Supplement is stored at 2C - 8C.
MicrobiologyPathogenic bacteria
Storage Temperature15°C - 25°C
Result typeQualitative
Product/EnvironmentEnvironmental Monitoring, Product Testing
ApprovalsAOAC, FDA


Materials supplied in the standard product

  • strips
  • pipettes
  • tubes
  • media

Materials required but not supplied

  • sample bags
  • balance
  • incubator

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