RapidChek® SELECT™Salmonella Group B Strips
SH-Salmonella Group B StripsMicrobiology Bacterias patógenas LFD Cualitativo
The RapidChek® SELECT™ Salmonella Group B (incl. Typhimurium) test is the only sero-specific Salmonella Group B lateral flow assay. It uses the same proprietary media system as the RapidChek® SELECT™ Salmonella test kit. The difference is made by the highly specific Salmonella serogroup B antibody on the lateral flow device.- Analito: Salmonella Serogroup B
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo
RapidChek® SELECT™Salmonella Food System
SH-Salmonella Food SystemMicrobiology Bacterias patógenas LFD Cualitativo
The RapidChek® SELECT™ Salmonella test system combines the patented primary phage media with a highly productive secondary enrichment and a latest generation lateral flow device with a proprietary antibody mix to enable fast, accurate and simple Salmonella detection. Time to result: 22 - 30 hours (processed foods and environmental samples), 32 - 44 hours (raw foods). Supplement is stored at 2C - 8C.- Analito: Salmonella species
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo
RapidChek® SELECT™Salmonella Environmental System
SH-Salmonella Environmental SystemMicrobiology Bacterias patógenas LFD Cualitativo
The RapidChek® SELECT™ Salmonella test system combines the patented primary phage media with a highly productive secondary enrichment and a latest generation lateral flow device with a proprietary antibody mix to enable fast, accurate and simple Salmonella detection. Time to result: 22 - 30 hours (processing environment), 32 - 44 hours (farm environment). Supplement is stored at 2C - 8C.- Analito: Salmonella species
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo
RapidChek® SELECT™Salmonella Enteritidis System
SH-Salmonella Enteriditis SystemMicrobiology Bacterias patógenas LFD Cualitativo
The RapidChek® SELECT™ SE test is one of the first FDA awarded Test Method Equivalent and AOAC approved commercially available, rapid, sero-specific assay. It uses the same proprietary media system as the RapidChek® SELECT™ Salmonella test kit. The difference is made by the highly specific Salmonella serogroup D1 antibody on the lateral flow device. Supplement is stored at 2C - 8C.- Analito: Salmonella Enteriditis
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo
RapidChek® SELECT™Salmonella Enteritidis Confirmation System
SH-Salmonella Enteriditis Confirmation SystemMicrobiology Bacterias patógenas LFD Cualitativo
The use of the RapidChek® CONFIRM™ SE IMS kit reduces the presence of other non-SE, Salmonella species through washing steps and concentrates the Group D1 species.- Analito: Salmonella Enteriditis
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo
RapidChek® SELECT™Salmonella Enteriditis Media
SH-Salmonella Enteriditis MediaMicrobiology Bacterias patógenas LFD Cualitativo
The RapidChek® SELECT™ Salmonella Enteritidis media combines the patented primary phage media with a highly productive secondary enrichment to enable fast, accurate and simple Salmonella Enteritidis detection. Supplement is stored at 2C - 8C. Note: pre-made liquid media is made to order. Lead times may vary.- Analito: Salmonella species including Salmonella Enteriditis
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo
RapidChek® E. coli O157 Media
SH-E. coli MediaMicrobiology Bacterias patógenas LFD Cualitativo
RapidChek®E. coli O157 is a one-step rapid enrichment media for shigatoxin-producing E. coli (including O157:H7).- Analito: Shigatoxin producing E. coli (Including O157:H7)
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo
RapidChek® CONFIRM™ STEC Confirmation Reagents
SH-STEC Confirmation ReagentsMicrobiology Bacterias patógenas LFD Cualitativo
The RapidChek® CONFIRM™ non-O157 STEC IMS confirmation kit uses specific, high-affinity antibodies, each attached to separate magnetic particles. Should any of the non-O157 STECs be present, it will bind to the magnetic particles via the antibody. When the sample is plated to selective agar for confirmation, E. coli O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, and O145 are the predominant colonies that form, increasing the likelihood of picking that organism from a plate.- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo
- Producto/Medio ambiente: Monitoreo Ambiental, Pruebas de Producto
RapidChek®Salmonella Enteriditis Strips
SH-Salmonella Enteriditis StripsMicrobiology Bacterias patógenas LFD Cualitativo
The RapidChek® SELECT™ SE test is one of the first FDA awarded Test Method Equivalent and AOAC approved commercially available, rapid, sero-specific assay. There is a highly specific Salmonella serogroup D1 antibody on the lateral flow device.- Analito: Salmonella Enteritidis
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo
RapidChek®Listeria Strips
SH-Listeria StripsMicrobiology Bacterias patógenas LFD Cualitativo
The RapidChek®Listeria test strips can be used with RapidChek®Listeria NextDay media (for 24 - 40h time to result) or RapidChek®Listeria media system (for 40 - 48h time to result). Strips are available as single tests or comb format (8 tests per comb).- Analito: Listeria species
- Tecnología/Aplicación: LFD
- Tipo de resultado: Cualitativo